Speedup Symfony2 on Vagrant boxes

http://jeremybarthe.com/2015/02/02/speed-up-vagrant-environment-symfony2/ Optimizing Symfony applications on Vagrant boxes Speedup Symfony2 on Vagrant boxes

Mount remote host’s files locally into linux filesystem

Mount remote ftp directory host locally into linux filesystem Mount Remote Filesystem with SSHFS on Debian

TVN Player w Ubuntu i odtwarzanie TVP, IPLA, IPLEX, Canal+, HBO czy National Geographics


Qstarz BT-Q1000 and Ubuntu

http://www.cyrius.com/debian/gps/bt-q1000x/ http://www.gpsbabel.org/htmldoc-development/fmt_mtk.html http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/

How to change extension of multiple files from command line?

I have many files with .abc extension and want to change them to .edefg I have a root folder with many sub-folders, so the solution should work -r recursively. find /the/path -depth -name "*.abc" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%.abc}.edefg"' _ {} \;

Difference between find, locate and whereis


ia32-libs package in Ubuntu

I fixed it with the following commands: sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update Then I could install ia32-libs just fine! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/1016294/comments/27

Doctrine 2 hangs when enabling APC cache on Ubuntu

It is necessary to add a flag to the apc.ini file in /etc/php5/cli/apc.ini extension=apc.so apc.enable_cli=1

Sztuczki z SSH


Mount – Windows subst equivalent in Ubuntu

mount --bind /source /destination or in /etc/fstab /source /destination none bind 0 0