Weather API

Get essential weather data, short-term and long-term forecasts and aggregated weather data is easy with our OpenWeather One Call API 3.0.

ipapi – IP Address Lookup and Geolocation API

ipapi – IP Address Lookup and Geolocation API

Computer Science Data Structure, Algorithm, Angular, React, etc.

website source code at GitHub – Stock Market API

Stock API with real-time and historical tick data, unlimited usage via REST or WebSockets, standardized JSON and CSV formats

Comparing BigDecimals for Equality

Comparing BigDecimals for Equality val bdy = 0.3.toBigDecimal() val bdx = 0.3.toBigDecimal() println(BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(bdy - bdx) == 0)

Mermaid: Diagramming and charting tool

JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create and modify diagrams dynamically.

How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode

How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode

Literowanie w fonicznych łącznościach radiowychłącznościach_radiowych

Password Managers

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand the attack surface of popular password managers. I think I’ve spent more time analyzing them than practically anybody else, and I think that qualifies me to have an opinion!

Diskless RAM-Only VPNs