Visualizing a Classic CPU In Action: The 6502

Visualizing a Classic CPU In Action: The 6502 Visual Transistor-level Simulation of the 6502 CPU and other chips!

Best resources about methodologies on Symfony, PHP, DDD, BDD…

Best resources about methodologies on Symfony, PHP, DDD, BDD…

Tilde and caret version constraints in Composer – difference

Next Significant Release Operators Tilde and caret version constraints in Composer TLTR: There are also some syntactic sugar operators like ~ (tilde) and ^ (caret). ~4.1.3 means >=4.1.3,=4.1.0,=0.4.0,=4.0.0,=4.1.3,=4.1.0,=0.4.0,=4.0.0,

10 Best Practices for Better RESTful API

10 Best Practices for Better RESTful API

JSON API: A specification for building APIs in JSON

Learn REST: A RESTful Tutorial

Automobile-Catalog the complete Catalog of Cars, car specs database

Complete Catalog of Cars produced worldwide since 1945 – hundreds of thousands cars with detailed specifications, comprehensive technical data and performance data. The simulation of all cars accelerations and performance in road conditions is based on ProfessCars™ software and detailed technical parameters of each individual model

How do I alter the position of a column in a PostgreSQL database table? The three workarounds from this article are: Recreate the table Add columns and move data Hide the differences with a view

How to move your data from Android to iPhone or iPad with Move to iOS

Migracja z systemu Android na telefon iPhone, iPada lub iPoda touch How to move your data from Android to iPhone or iPad with Move to iOS

Converts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte.