JSON Web Tokens online decoder


Java 8 Method Reference: How to Use it


Vert.x async coordination (sequential composition aka synchronous executions)

Sequential composition Orchestrate asynchronous executions Source code

Wyszukiwarka podmiotów gospodarki narodowej (REGON, NIP, KRS)

https://wyszukiwarkaregon.stat.gov.pl/ http://www.krs-online.com.pl/sprawdzanie_nip.html

Serbia, Kosovo power grid row delays European clocks

https://www.reuters.com/article/serbia-kosovo-energy/serbia-kosovo-power-grid-row-delays-european-clocks-idUSL5N1QP2FF https://www.entsoe.eu/news-events/announcements/announcements-archive/Pages/News/2018-03-06-press-release-continuing-frequency-deviation-in-the-continental-european-power-system.aspx https://wysokienapiecie.pl/8656-kto-ukradl-prad-za-3-mln-euro-spowolnil-europejskie-zegary/ https://www.swissgrid.ch/swissgrid/en/home/experts/topics/frequency.html

PGP, GPG – bezpieczne szyfrowanie dla każdego


Faragta Learning

Faragta Learning provides free online tutorials to programmers from beginners to advanced level on a vast majority of topics including HTML, JavaScript, C#, AWS, Cloud, Databases and more

10 Mac OS X Productivity Tips for Open and Save Dialogs

http://www.automatedworkflows.com/2012/02/13/10-mac-os-x-productivity-tips-for-open-and-save-dialogs/ To see hidden files and folders, press Command+Shift+Period (>) To manually navigate to a folder, press Command+Shift+G (or / or ~). Enter the desired path. As you type it in, you can press tab to auto-complete folder names

Master your Java Environnement with jenv

jEnv is a command line tool to help you forget how to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. jenv is for a equivalent of rbenv, but for Java environment. It allow to easily switch between several JDKs installations (already presents), and configure which one to use per project. http://www.jenv.be/ https://github.com/gcuisinier/jenv http://davidcai.github.io/blog/posts/install-multiple-jdk-on-mac/

Using Amazon RDS
