A Practical Guide to MySQL JSON Data Type

A Practical Guide to MySQL JSON Data Type By Example JSON Labs Release: JSON Functions, Part 1 — Manipulation JSON Data JSON Labs Release: JSON Functions, Part 2 — Querying JSON Data Functions That Search JSON Values

Fingerprint.js is the most advanced open-source fraud detection JS library

Fingerprint.js has a unique approach to prevent fraud on your website. The library generates a unique identifier of a browser without using cookies or any information that can be easily reset by a malicious user. By storing this identifier in your database you will get an accurate idea if someone is trying use the same ...

Why you should totally switch to Kotlin


Na dwa kieliszki

https://nadwakieliszki.com „Na dwa kieliszki”, bo blog na tyle właśnie kieliszków i na cztery ręce jest pisany. Pierwszy zestaw należy do E., drugi do M. i tego stanu rzeczy staramy się trzymać. Blog powstał raczej z do wina atencji, może nawet namiętności – niż z wiedzy czy „pasji” (czy innego jakiegoś modnego terminu). Powstał też dlatego, ...

Using MySQL 5.7 Generated Columns to Increase Query Performance


Error code guide on Xiaomi M365 scooter


What tire pressure should I use on my Xiaomi M365


Super oferta – gwarantowany 8% zwrot z najmu :-)


How to filter names (in unicode) using regular expressions

fun escapeSpecialCharacters(string: String): String { return string.replace("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{P}\\p{Z}]".toRegex(), "_") } Unicode Regular Expressions

Sections along the Grand Tour of Switzerland

Discover the No. 1 road trip of the Alps – over five Alpine passes, along 22 lakes and to 12 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Hop in, start the engine, drive off and pump up the music. Each stage of the Grand Tour of Switzerland has its own Spotify playlist, ensuring you’ve always got the perfect ...