Jak uruchomić “Hotspot osobisty” w iPhone z sieci Plus GSM?


Helps use multiple accounts on Heroku


Online SQL Formatters

https://zeroturnaround.github.io/sql-formatter/ http://www.sqlinform.com/online-sql-formatter/

Wszystkie aktualności: Netflix, Showmax, HBO GO, Amazon Prime Video


Regular Expressions


Microservices: mono repo vs multiple repositories

Our journey to microservices: mono repo vs multiple repositories CI/CD For Microservices Using Monorepos 7 things to consider while moving to a microservices architecture New wave modularity with Lerna, monorepos, and npm organizations A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages

Visualization of global weather conditions forecast by supercomputers updated every three hours


PostgreSQL: How to Disable or Enable Foreign Key Constraint of a Table

https://www.dbrnd.com/2017/02/postgresql-how-to-disable-or-enable-foreign-key-constraint-of-a-table-data-migration-bulk-operation/ ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE TRIGGER ALL; INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1,6,50,60,90); ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;

UUID Primary Keys in PostgreSQL

http://www.starkandwayne.com/blog/uuid-primary-keys-in-postgresql/ https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/146135/psql-9-5-gen-random-uuid-not-working psql 9.5: gen_random_uuid() not working? SELECT gen_random_uuid() produces output: ERROR: function gen_random_uuid() does not exist SQL state: 42883 Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. you can check if the functions are defined using: select * from pg_proc where proname like ‘gen_random_%’; ...

Parkinson’s Law of Triviality

Law of triviality Parkinson’s law bikeshedding   “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” “Praca rozszerza się tak, aby wypełnić czas dostępny na jej ukończenie”