Pure CSS folded-corner effect


Easily Turn Your Images Into Polaroids with CSS3


How to access class constants in Twig


Symfony2 Resize Images with LiipImagineBundle


ESI – Full page caching with Symfony2


High Performance Websites with Symfony2


Frontend Performance Optimiziation Step by Step with Symfony2

http://slides.liip.ch/static/2012-05-18_symfony-speed.html A demo project to explain symfony2 frontend optimizations step by step. Each branch represents an optimization. See the project wiki for explanation about the branches

AdminBundle sonata_type_collection Delete Column: Pitfall

http://www.craftitonline.com/2011/09/adminbundle-sonata_type_collection-delete-column-pitfall/ “I ran into a problem today working with AdminBundle. Basically i am trying to manipulate the delete column that automatically gets inserted. It would not work if i check the box and hit update or global delete. It would just not do anything or remove the whole top entity.”

Ubuntu – Wykryto błąd systemowy programu

$ sudo nano /etc/default/apport Zmień enabled=1 na enabled=0

PHP Coding Standards

PHP-FIG FAQ PSR-0 Autoloading Standard PSR-1 Basic Coding Standard PSR-2 Coding Style Guide PSR-3 Logger Interface Symfony2 Coding Standards