Diving in the Molnár János cave and Kőbánya Mine

Andrzej Z: Kobania Andrzej Z: Molnár János 2019 VIII Andrzej Z: Molnar XII 2021 https://mjcave.hu/en/diving/ Kobanya-Mine (2021-11-30) Molnár János Cave (2020-07-26) Best Divers: Kobanya i Molnar Janos – najlepsze miejsca nurkowe na Węgrzech (2017-11-22) Best Divers: Nurkowanie w Budapeszcie, Kobanya Mine i Molnar Janos. Węgry (2018-03-18) Best Divers: Fenomenalne nurkowania – Molnar Janos i Kobanya ...

JSONPlaceholder – Free Fake REST API

JSONPlaceholder – Free Fake REST API {JSON} Placeholder Free fake API for testing and prototyping. Powered by JSON Server + LowDB

Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language

Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language

Convoy S2+ czyli kupujemy latarkę na rower

Convoy S2+ czyli kupujemy latarkę na rower

DAN: Deeps Stops Updates

DAN: Deeps Stops Updates

mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates

mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates. It requires no configuration.

RxJava — Schedulers — What, when and how to use it?

RxJava — Schedulers — What, when and how to use it? Brief introduction of RxJava schedulers. Schedulers.io() – This is used to perform non-CPU-intensive operations like making network calls, reading disc/files, database operations, etc., This maintains a pool of threads. Schedulers.newThread() – Using this, a new thread will be created each time a task is ...

Block Kit: A clean and consistent UI framework for Slack apps

Block Kit: A clean and consistent UI framework for Slack apps

Dr Simon Mitchell – Wats is optimal decompression?


Evolving Thought on Deep Decompression Stops

Evolving Thought on Deep Decompression Stops