RWD Online Tools

Pewnie wielu z Was to uwielbia – narzędzia online, czasami ograniczone do jednej prostej funkcjonalności, ale często niezbędne w codziennej pracy. Dzisiaj kilka ciekawych narzędzi, które z powodzeniem wykorzystamy podczas pracy z Responsive Web Design.

Future designer

Ostatnio zastanawiałem się nad tym, kim jest dobry projektant. Rzeczywistość zmienia się tak dynamicznie, że czasami łatwo się zamknąć na własne, wypracowane rozwiązania. O czym warto pomyśleć dzisiaj? Standardy, proces projektowania i inne technikalia odstawiamy na bok.

SASS /LESS/ Color Variables

A collection of inspirational websites using media queries and responsive web design. Curated by Eivind Uggedal

html5shiv and Serving Content From Code Repositories

“Always avoid external dependencies you cannot control. Direcly linking to a resource in someone else’s code repository is a perfect example of an external dependency that can easily be, and should be, avoided. The moral of the story is: ‘never never never link to a resource inside a source code repository’.”

960 Grid System

“The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem.”

Twitter Bootstrap

“Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.”

Gumby 960 Grid Responsive CSS Framework

“Gumby Framework was built to be the most maleable grid framework you’ve ever used while still maintaining the familiarity and ease-of-use of the grid you’ve always used.”

Variable Grid System – Generate CSS grid templates based on ‘960 Grid System’

“The variable grid system is a quick way to generate an underlying CSS grid for your site. The CSS generated file is based on the 960 Grid System.”

What’s the Deal With Display: Inline-Block?

“We’ve been using floats for layout pretty much since we left tables behind. It’s a quirky solution that can often cause troubles, but if you know what you’re doing, it works. One interesting alternative to floats that people are turning to more and more lately is to set the display value of an element to ...