Operator Precedence in Java


Modifying an AWS CloudFormation Stack Policy

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/protect-stack-resources.html#protect-stack-resources-modifying To get current stack policy, run the following command: aws cloudformation get-stack-policy --region AWS_REGION --stack-name STACK_NAME | jq '.StackPolicyBody' | sed 's/"{/{/g' | sed 's/}"/}/g' | sed 's/\\n/ /g' | sed 's/\\"/"/g' | jq '.' To allow further modification of a stack policy, run the following command: aws cloudformation set-stack-policy --region AWS_REGION --stack-name STACK_NAME ...

jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor


AWS: Prevent Updates to Stack Resources

When you create a stack, all update actions are allowed on all resources. By default, anyone with stack update permissions can update all of the resources in the stack. During an update, some resources might require an interruption or be completely replaced, resulting in new physical IDs or completely new storage. You can prevent stack ...

Easy Blue-Green Deployments on Amazon EC2


Inspect HTTP requests. Debug webhooks

Capture and inspect HTTP requests HTTP Request & Response Service RequestBin

JSON Web Tokens online decoder


Java 8 Method Reference: How to Use it


Vert.x async coordination (sequential composition aka synchronous executions)

Sequential composition Orchestrate asynchronous executions Source code

PGP, GPG – bezpieczne szyfrowanie dla każdego
