Wzorzec projektowy Proxy (pośrednik)

Proxy jest przydatnym wzorcem projektowym, który umożliwia dodanie pewnych dodatkowych zachowań do jakiegoś obiektu w sposób transparentny.

PHP Tutorials | Nettuts+

http://net.tutsplus.com/category/tutorials/php/ http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/the-whens-and-whys-for-php-design-patterns/ http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/how-to-write-testable-and-maintainable-code-in-php/

Live video streaming with PHP


Exception Best Practices in PHP 5.3


SourceMaking – the best information source on the Web on design patterns, refactoring and UML

SourceMaking — is the best information source on the Web on such software development topics as design patterns, refactoring and UML. A lot of information freely available through the site’s pages, so feel free to use bookmarklet to leave interesting chapters for further reading.

24 Cool PHP Libraries You Should Know About


Trait in PHP 5.4


EAN – Barcode

EAN EAN-13 EAN-8 Klasa generująca kody kreskowych EAN i krótkie omówienie zasad tworzenia kodów kreskowych http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.0/en/modules/zend.barcode.objects.html http://barcode-coder.com/en/barcode-php-class-203.html

execute PHP online – functions-online

Execute and test several functions of the programming language PHP right here online. Choose your function from one of the categories array, cryptography, custom, date and time, general, math, regular expression, string or URL.

Online PHP tester

You can choose between PHP: 5.2.17, 5.3.18, 5.4.8 And You have memory_limit = 128MB