Portable Data exFiltration: XSS for PDFs

Portable Data exFiltration: XSS for PDFs

Amazon AWS – 11 9’s of reliability?

Amazon AWS – 11 9’s of reliability?

KotlinConf 2019: Coroutines! Gotta catch ’em all!

KotlinConf 2019: Coroutines! Gotta catch ’em all!

A Functional Way Of Handling Error In Kotlin With runCatching

A Functional Way Of Handling Error In Kotlin With runCatching

A take on functional error handling in Kotlin

A take on functional error handling in Kotlin

The Result Monad

The Result Monad

Fotogrametria podwodna, czyli tworzenie modeli 3D podwodnych znalezisk

Fotogrametria podwodna, czyli tworzenie modeli 3D podwodnych znalezisk

Developing Restful APIs: A Comprehensive Set of Guidelines by Zalando

Developing Restful APIs: A Comprehensive Set of Guidelines by Zalando

401 Unauthorized vs 403 Forbidden: Which is the right status code for when the user has not logged in?

Status Code | Old foggy naming | New clear naming | Use case +++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 401 | Unauthorized | Unauthenticated | User has not logged-in 403 | Forbidden | Unauthorized | User doesn't have enough privilege https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50143518/401-unauthorized-vs-403-forbidden-which-is-the-right-status-code-for-when-the-u?rq=1

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