If PHP Were British


Your computer does not see the 5GHz WiFi but sees the 2.4GHz (Windows)

https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/computer-not-see-5ghz-wifi-sees-2-4ghz-windows/ netsh wlan show drivers If it says that the network adapter supports 802.11g and 802.11n network modes, it means that the computer has 2.4 GHz network capability only. If it says that the adapter supports 802.11a and 802.11g and 802.11n network modes, it means that the computer has 2.4 GHz and 5GHz network capability. ...

Common Java method names


Open Source application generator for creating Spring Boot + Angular/React projects in seconds

https://www.jhipster.tech/ https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster

Kalkulator wynagrodzeń (płac) netto-brutto


Mastering Kotlin standard functions: run, with, let, also and apply

https://medium.com/@elye.project/mastering-kotlin-standard-functions-run-with-let-also-and-apply-9cd334b0ef84 Kotlin let, run, also, apply, with

G Suite Toolbox – dig online


A collection of JUnit rules for testing code that uses java.lang.System


Kotlin Mega Tutorial


Téryho Chata (Schronisko Teryego)

Do Chaty Téryho ze Starego Smokovca Téryho Chata – najwyżej położone, całoroczne schronisko w Tatrach