How to metric

Lesson 1: Use Percentiles Alternate title: avoid averages like the plague. Why do averages suck? 🤔 Consider this example: you have some code which measures how long your users wait for a page to load. You have collected 6 data points, in milliseconds: 62, 920, 37, 20, 850, and 45. If you average these load times, ...

Test log4j2 with JUnit using a custom appender

Founding engineer or Founder/CTO

Take care editing bash scripts

Safely Force Pushing with Git using –force-with-lease=HEAD

Google’s C++ differential privacy library

This project contains a C++ library of ε-differentially private algorithms, which can be used to produce aggregate statistics over numeric data sets containing private or sensitive information

What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses? In fact, their functions complement each other. A WHERE clause is used is filter records from a result. The filter occurs before any groupings are made. A HAVING clause is used to filter values from a group. That means the WHERE clause is first applied to the result and then, the remaining rows summarized ...

JSON Schema $Ref Parser

Parse, Resolve, and Dereference JSON Schema $ref pointers in Node and browsers

How to search for Open Amazon s3 Buckets and their contents

A pattern language for microservices