Fingerprint.js is the most advanced open-source fraud detection JS library

Fingerprint.js has a unique approach to prevent fraud on your website. The library generates a unique identifier of a browser without using cookies or any information that can be easily reset by a malicious user. By storing this identifier in your database you will get an accurate idea if someone is trying use the same ...

Why you should totally switch to Kotlin

Using MySQL 5.7 Generated Columns to Increase Query Performance

How to filter names (in unicode) using regular expressions

fun escapeSpecialCharacters(string: String): String { return string.replace("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}\\p{P}\\p{Z}]".toRegex(), "_") } Unicode Regular Expressions

Kotlin Programmer Dictionary: Function Type vs Function literal vs Lambda expression vs Anonymous function

How to build a smaller Docker image

Docker images from Google

Language focused docker images, minus the operating system Base images for Google Docker containers

A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendliness

Baseimage-docker only consumes 8.3 MB RAM and is much more powerful than Busybox or Alpine

Web Browser Security – – It’s all about Web Browser Fingerprinting. Here you will find the gallery of web browser security testing tools, that tell you what exactly personal identity data may be leaked without any permissions when you surf the Internet.

Java Practices offers concise presentations of Java practices, tasks, and designs, illustrated with syntax-highlighted code examples. Some general-purpose references are provided, along with some source code. See below for user comments on the site