401 Unauthorized vs 403 Forbidden: Which is the right status code for when the user has not logged in?

Status Code | Old foggy naming | New clear naming | Use case +++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 401 | Unauthorized | Unauthenticated | User has not logged-in 403 | Forbidden | Unauthorized | User doesn't have enough privilege https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50143518/401-unauthorized-vs-403-forbidden-which-is-the-right-status-code-for-when-the-u?rq=1

Dependabot creates pull requests to keep your dependencies secure and up-to-date

https://dependabot.com Keep all your packages up to date with Dependabot https://github.com/dependabot/dependabot-core

Cost of Living

Numbeo is the world’s largest cost of living database. Numbeo is also a crowd-sourced global database of quality of life informations including housing indicators, perceived crime rates, and quality of healthcare, among many other statistics.

How (not) to break your app with hashCode() and equals()


Uninstall / remove a Homebrew package including all its dependencies

https://github.com/beeftornado/homebrew-rmtree brew tap beeftornado/rmtree brew rmtree ntopng

How To Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes

How To Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes

How to metric

Lesson 1: Use Percentiles Alternate title: avoid averages like the plague. Why do averages suck? 🤔 Consider this example: you have some code which measures how long your users wait for a page to load. You have collected 6 data points, in milliseconds: 62, 920, 37, 20, 850, and 45. If you average these load times, ...

Test log4j2 with JUnit using a custom appender


Founding engineer or Founder/CTO


Take care editing bash scripts
